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User-friendly Kubernetes logging

Kubetail is a real-time logging dashboard for Kubernetes

Key Features

Quickstart (Desktop)

First, install the Kubetail CLI tool (kubetail) via homebrew:

brew install kubetail

Next, start the web dashboard using the serve subcommand:

kubetail serve

This command will open http://localhost:7500/ in your default browser. Have fun viewing your Kubernetes logs in realtime!

Quickstart (Cluster)

First, add the Kubetail org’s chart repository, then install the “kubetail” chart:

helm repo add kubetail helm install kubetail kubetail/kubetail --namespace kubetail-system --create-namespace

For more information on how to configure the helm chart, see the chart’s values.yaml file.

To access the web dashboard you can expose it as an ingress using the chart or you can use your usual access methods such as kubectl port-forward:

kubectl port-forward -n kubetail-system svc/kubetail-dashboard 8080:8080

Visit http://localhost:8080