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To run Kubetail inside your Kubernetes cluster, you can install the application and its required resources using tools such as Helm, Glasskube, or do it manually with YAML manifests.



To install Kubetail using helm, first add the Kubetail org’s chart repository, then install the “kubetail” chart:

helm repo add kubetail helm install kubetail kubetail/kubetail --namespace kubetail-system --create-namespace

For more information on how to configure the helm chart see the chart’s values.yaml file. To verify that the installation worked, you can inspect the application’s pods:

kubectl get pods -n kubetail-system

YAML Manifest

For cluster-based authentication use kubetail-clusterauth.yaml:

kubectl apply -f

For token-based authentication use kubetail-tokenauth.yaml:

kubectl apply -f

To verify that the installation worked, you can inspect the application’s pods:

kubectl get pods -n kubetail-system


To install Kubetail using Glasskube, you can select “Kubetail” from the “ClusterPackages” tab in the Glasskube GUI then click “install” or you can run the following command:

glasskube install kubetail

Once Kubetail is installed you can use it by clicking “open” in the Glasskube GUI or by using the open command:

glasskube open kubetail


Once Kubetail is running inside your cluster, you can access it using your usual access methods such as kubectl proxy or kubectl port-forward:

To make the Kubetail web dashboard easier to access you can also expose it using a service or an ingress.

Next Steps

For more information about the Kubetail Dashboard, check out the documentation here.

Last updated on