The Kubetail web dashboard can be installed in a cluster using several different methods. It can be configured to use cluster RBAC or bearer tokens depending on your auth needs.
To install Kubetail using helm , first add the Kubetail org’s chart repository, then install the “kubetail” chart:
helm repo add kubetail
helm install kubetail kubetail/kubetail --namespace kubetail-system --create-namespace
Once it’s running you can access it using your usual access methods such as kubectl proxy
or kubectl port-forward
kubectl proxy
kubectl proxy
Visit http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubetail-system/services/kubetail-server:7500/proxy/
kubectl port-forward
kubectl port-forward -n kubetail-system svc/kubetail-server 7500:7500
Visit http://localhost:7500
To make the Kubetail web dashboard easier to access you can also expose it using a service or an ingress. For more information on how to configure the helm chart see the chart’s values.yaml file.